The Accountability Guy

Who Is Darren Finkelstein, And Why Is Accountability So Important To Reach Your Goals?
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Darren Finkelstein is an International Accountability Coach, Advisor, Mentor, Author, and Speaker – He’s also known as ‘The Accountability Guy
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About Darren

Darren Finkelstein is known as The Accountability Guy®, something he’s quite proud of due to being known for something so crucial to a business’s success. By holding people to account he genuinely enjoys making a difference in people’s businesses and personal lives.
Darren delivers measurable results to high-performing individuals and teams.
Having lived an extensive entrepreneurial journey filled with highs, lows, great achievements and success, Darren has over 30 years of experience in the corporate world and small business. He brings solid skills and an informed perspective to the table, confirming he is someone who walks the talk.

Previous Apple Inc. Executive

For 10 years Darren worked for Apple Inc. as ‘Manager of Commercial Markets’ under the inspirational leadership of Steve Jobs. During his time there, he won the prestigious ‘Golden Apple Award’ for the Asia-Pacific region. He regularly hosted senior executives and VIPs from Australian businesses to visit the Apple HQ in Cupertino, California for technology tours and meetings with the Apple Executive Team. This is an amazing outcome for a high school dropout from suburban Doncaster, Melbourne – playing on the biggest technology stage in the heart of Silicon Valley. Darren often pinched himself to see if he was dreaming.
Number of happy clients
Coaching Certifications
Number of goals achieved

What my clients have to say

Sue's coaching has had a major impact to my life. She is so supportive and responsible, and led me to some life changes that I would have never achieved by myself.
Julia Stobbard
Sue'a approach to my difficulties was excellent. She did a great job in organizing priorities and communicating the right approach to me, which led to some impressive results in my life.
Rob Stevens
I am simply amazed with how Sue managed to lead me to achieving some things that I've been failing to achieve by myself for so many years. I can't wait to see what happens next...
Kaisha Salas

Words I live by

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

— Walt Disney

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